The Quirky Adventures of an Adorably Eccentric Cat Taking the Internet by Storm

A while back, we featured Fedya’s story on Bored Panda, and today we want to give you an update on his increasing fame. Fedya, a four-year-old gray cat, was rescued by Natalya when he was just a sickly kitten. Thanks to Natalya’s care, Fedya is now a healthy and content cat. But what makes Fedya unique is his facial expression – his eyes are placed in such a way that he always looks surprised. However, this distinctive feature hasn’t hindered Fedya at all; in fact, it has helped him gain a whopping 369K followers on Instagram. So, without further delay, take a moment to read about Fedya – the adorable scaredy-cat who is winning hearts on the internet. Learn more about him on Instagram,, and

A Slightly Strange And Funny-Looking Cat Continues To Win Hearts Online (New Pics)

During the initial stages of Fedya’s life, he faced numerous difficulties, struggling with being underdeveloped, frail, and constantly battling illness.

A Slightly Strange And Funny-Looking Cat Continues To Win Hearts Online (New Pics)

Bored Panda had another chat with Natalya, who shared the early struggles that Fedya overcame. “In the beginning, Fedya was quite fragile. He couldn’t locate his mother to feed himself, so we had to feed him goat’s milk through a pipette. At just one month old, he quickly grasped the concept of using the litter box and would navigate around the room to reach it, following the walls as a guide. It seemed like the walls helped him understand his surroundings. As he grew, Fedya attempted to jump onto the windowsill to go outside but struggled at first. It took him nearly a year of practice before he could successfully make the leap. Climbing trees is also a challenge for him, and even after a year, he still had difficulty jumping onto the bed, opting to climb up with his claws digging into the blanket.”

A Slightly Strange And Funny-Looking Cat Continues To Win Hearts Online (New Pics)

Credit for the images goes to fedja_kot who captured these stunning shots.

A Slightly Strange And Funny-Looking Cat Continues To Win Hearts Online (New Pics)

Thankfully, Natalya, the kind soul who now cares for him, rescued Fedya and helped him recover from his illness.

A Slightly Strange And Funny-Looking Cat Continues To Win Hearts Online (New Pics)

Credit for the image goes to fedja_kot.

A Slightly Strange And Funny-Looking Cat Continues To Win Hearts Online (New Pics)

Credits for the image go to fedja_kot.

A Slightly Strange And Funny-Looking Cat Continues To Win Hearts Online (New Pics)

Credit for the image goes to fedja_kot. In 2019, Natalya decided to make an Instagram account solely for Fedya, and before they knew it, Fedya had taken the internet by storm.

A Slightly Strange And Funny-Looking Cat Continues To Win Hearts Online (New Pics)

Natalya shared the moment she discovered that Fedya was becoming popular online. She noticed the surge in subscribers, messages from journalists globally, and local media reaching out to them. While Natalya saw Fedya as a quirky and humorous cat, she was surprised by his newfound fame. Being an introvert, she found the attention overwhelming but was happy that Fedya was able to bring happiness to people worldwide.

A Slightly Strange And Funny-Looking Cat Continues To Win Hearts Online (New Pics)

Photo courtesy of fedja_kot.

A Slightly Strange And Funny-Looking Cat Continues To Win Hearts Online (New Pics)

His distinct appearance captivated onlookers, who initially found it hard to accept that he was indeed a genuine feline.

A Slightly Strange And Funny-Looking Cat Continues To Win Hearts Online (New Pics)

Natalya also shared her experience in managing Fedya’s social media accounts. “Running a cat account has its challenges and rewards,” she stated. “While it’s simple to showcase Fedya’s daily life and interactions with his friends, it can also become monotonous for followers. To keep things interesting, I create humorous videos which have been well-received. Sometimes coming up with ideas for fictional cat stories can be tricky, as cats perceive things differently than humans. Surprisingly, they often improve upon my initial ideas, making them even more enjoyable. Overall, it’s a fun experience, especially thanks to Fyodor’s expressive face which always adds a special touch to the content.” Photo credits: fedja_kot

A Slightly Strange And Funny-Looking Cat Continues To Win Hearts Online (New Pics)

Credit for the image goes to fedja_kot.

A Slightly Strange And Funny-Looking Cat Continues To Win Hearts Online (New Pics)

Nowadays, Fedya never fails to amaze and capture the hearts of people from all corners of the globe.

A Slightly Strange And Funny-Looking Cat Continues To Win Hearts Online (New Pics)

Natalya expressed her joy at the large number of subscribers, each of whom she cherishes. They are kindred spirits, lovers of cats, fans of Fedya, and those who visit their account to unwind and smile. Their followers are like their wings, a source of strength, immense support, and a wave of love. While she used to personally respond to every message, the sheer volume now makes it impossible. Nevertheless, she still checks her direct messages and replies to as many as she can. Natalya believes it would be unfair for someone else to respond on her behalf and prefers to reply later on her own.

A Slightly Strange And Funny-Looking Cat Continues To Win Hearts Online (New Pics)

Image courtesy: fedja_kot

A Slightly Strange And Funny-Looking Cat Continues To Win Hearts Online (New Pics)

Credit for the image goes to fedja_kot. Natalya’s creations go beyond just providing entertainment; they also play a crucial role in helping to support a shelter that accommodates 50 animals.

A Slightly Strange And Funny-Looking Cat Continues To Win Hearts Online (New Pics)

Fedya’s acts of kindness are truly motivating. Natalya recently shared more details about the shelter they are assisting with. “The shelter, which we are wholeheartedly supporting, is owned by my mother. It currently houses around 35 cats and 15 dogs. We take care of their food, litter, and medical needs, including covering the costs of surgeries. The generosity of our followers through donations plays a crucial role in sustaining the shelter. We are immensely grateful to each one of them for being a part of the shelter’s journey. At present, the majority of the cats are thriving, well-fed, and well-groomed. However, there are two cats battling serious illnesses, and some new arrivals are still awaiting sterilization.”

A Slightly Strange And Funny-Looking Cat Continues To Win Hearts Online (New Pics)

Photo courtesy of fedja_kot

A Slightly Strange And Funny-Looking Cat Continues To Win Hearts Online (New Pics)

Credit for the image goes to fedja_kot, the adorable Fedya possesses a remarkable ability to touch the hearts of all those around him. His tale serves as a heartening illustration of the profound impact that our furry friends can have on us.

A Slightly Strange And Funny-Looking Cat Continues To Win Hearts Online (New Pics)

Finally, Natalya expressed her gratitude to the Bored Panda community, acknowledging them as the first to read Fedya’s story when they were embarking on their journey. While other publications followed suit, Bored Panda holds a special place in their hearts. Natalya and Fedya extend their warm greetings to all the readers of Bored Panda.

A Slightly Strange And Funny-Looking Cat Continues To Win Hearts Online (New Pics)

Photo courtesy of fedja_kot

A Slightly Strange And Funny-Looking Cat Continues To Win Hearts Online (New Pics)

Image courtesy: fedja_kot
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